Thursday, August 5, 2010

How To Train Bichon Frise

Dog lovers must consider some factor before taking some dogs as their pet. If someone wants to have bichon fries as their pet, then he/she must know how to train bichon frise because without training they aren’t too much worthy. It’s hard to develop positive behaviors in them without training. Training makes them obedient, clever, sociable and worthy as your pet. Above all training helps you to eliminate or develop any undesirable behaviors in them. Thus you will be secure with your friendly and well behaved dog.
Since all dogs are attention seeking, it’s not the matter of surprise that bichon frise also wants the attention of the humans or his master. For seeking attention he may bark or jump on you. Barking is the natural habit of him and communicating means as well. Therefore whenever it wants to tell something to you like “I want to play with you”, “I want to go potty”, “I am hungry” etc. he barks or give similar signals. So understanding their barking and body language will help you if don’t know how to train bichon frise. But sometimes continuous barking can be a problem for you and your neighbor so put strict limit on it.
To solve a problem you must know the background and the key point of the problem. When your bichon frise barks continuously, then there must be some reason behind it. So study and analyze about it find the solution. He might be barking because of loneliness, boredom or because of encountering something unusual or other dogs. Since they are social animals, they will always seek for the company of the human. Know this fact and spend time with him as much as possible in order to prevent some undesirable behavior in him.
If you haven’t socialized your bichon frise then there’s maximum chance that he will bark at strangers and other dogs. To prevent this, training dog in the park or in the beach and let him explore the public places, the humans and other pets. Due to continuous interaction, he knows that there’s no harm for him from other humans or dogs. They will become more friendly if you socialize them.

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